MLG Private Fund VII
With an investor-centric fund structure, accredited investors can diversify their portfolios with MLG Private Fund VII. Our Fund targets diversification, prioritized cash flow, low leverage, and acquires property through our dual-sourcing strategy.
Invest Today Learn about Real Estate InvestingKey Differentiators
Our Private Real Estate Funds provide access to investment opportunities that aim to produce tax-advantaged cash flow and appreciation over time to grow our investors’ wealth. These opportunities are thoroughly reviewed and vetted by our team and through the lens of our 36+ years of experience.
Fund VII targets investments in multiple asset types, states and even with multiple real estate managers.
Low Leverage & Tax Efficiency
We manage leverage by targeting debt of approximately 65% of all-in costs for acquisitions. Income from investment in private real estate can be tax efficient, depending on your personal tax situation.
Potential Hedge Against Inflation
Short term leases in multifamily and other asset can create the ability to move rents with inflation.
Cash Flow & Appreciation
Real estate takes time. The time spent building a real estate portfolio may be rewarded by producing cash flow and appreciation over time through the execution of business plans to improve asset cash flow.
Private Fund Investment Model
Our Private Fund investment model is structured to put our investors returns first. 100% of available distributions are paid to investors. *Preferred returns are not guaranteed.
- POINT ONE 8 % Cumulative Preferred Return on Invested Equity on Invested Equity
- POINT TWO 100 % Return of Original Principal Invested after the 8% Preferred Return after the 8% Preferred Return
- POINT THREE 70% / 30% Profit Sharing Split of Remaining Cash Flow Distributions after return of original principal Split of Remaining Cash Flow Distributions after return of original principal
All Time Portfolio Metrics
Private Real Estate vs. Public Markets
The below chart demonstrates that alternative investments, such as private real estate funds, have performed steadily relative the volatility of the public markets. Adding private real estate to your portfolio could be a way to mitigate market risk, inflation risk, and investor sentiment that can impact the public markets.
Source: Yahoo Finance | NCREIF
How We Acquire Property
MLG has developed a dual-sourcing deal flow strategy to create opportunities regardless of market cycle. Historically, MLG has been able to source ±100 transactions per month, giving us the ability to be highly selective in our review process. We target 1-2 acquisitions per month, on average.
Joint Venture (JV)
We have established numerous partnerships across the nation from which we seek real estate investment opportunities, allowing us to capitalize on local knowledge and relationships to find deals. The joint venture acquisition strategy is focused on finding real estate in positive economic markets with job and population growth.
Key Relationships: Foster relationships with local real estate partners..
Diversity: By geographic, asset type and partner/sponsor.
Deal Flow: Critical selection of the smartest investments possible.
Direct Acquisitions
This acquisition strategy falls within target asset classes (i.e., apartments, industrial, retail and office) and includes states where MLG is located, or a state where we have long-established and historical relationships.
35+ Years Experience: Acquisitions and relationships are time tested.
Local Staff: Ability to manage with “boots on the ground.”
Reach: Owning and operating multiple properties within a given MSA.
How MLG Adds Value
Our acquisitions team reviews ±100 deals, on average, in any given month. We’re focused on smart, critical selection of real estate. We strive to make the right deals at the right time, putting our investors first.
- Operational Efficiencies: We seek operational inefficiencies that we can capitalize on using our management expertise.
- Buying Off-Market: We seek off market buying opportunities to avoid competitive bidding against other buyers.
- Capital Investments: We seek value add opportunities through capital investment into property improvements that may lead to appreciation of the asset.
Which Fund Options Works For You?
MLG Private Fund VI LLC and MLG Dividend Fund VI LLC (together, the “Fund”) will invest side-by-side in each investment. Each have their respective attributes and have the same overall pre-tax investment objectives. Which one you invest in will depend on your personal financial situation.
- Overview
MLG Private Funds
A continuation of our historic fund model. Investors will realize rental income produced from fund operations. -
MLG Dividend Funds
A compelling opportunity for a retirement account (IRA, 401k, etc.), Foundation and Endowment investors seeking dividend income.
- Unrelated Business Taxable Income
- NO
- Multi-State Tax Filling
- NO
- Use Passive Activity Losses
- NO
- Schedule K-1
- Common Income Types
- Capital Gain and Net Rental Income (Loss)
- Capital Gain, Ordinary REIT Dividends
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How Investors are Paid: MLG’s Private Fund Return Structure
The series of MLG Private Funds provides investors with access to investment opportunities that aim to produce tax-advantaged cash flow and appreciation over time. The Funds focus on growing investors’ wealth, capital preservation and diversification within private real estate investment. Understanding how and when returns are sent to investors is perhaps one of the most important elements of any investment structure. Within the private markets, there are a myriad of different structures that may exist. These structures can be frequently misunderstood. Our Funds utilize a “European equity waterfall return structure”. This is specifically designed to be an investor friendly return structure. This demonstrates our firm’s commitment to investors and our confidence in our ability to execute. MLG Private Funds Return Structure: Our latest Fund, Private Fund VI, intends to underwrite potential investments to a target internal rate of return of between 11% and 15% (net of Fund expenses and fees), on a leveraged basis. Each of our funds utilizes a three-tiered return structure. 100% of available distributions are paid to investors as follows1; (Tier 1) 8% cumulative preferred return on invested equity (Tier 2) 100% return of original principal invested, after a full 8% cumulative preferred return is paid (Tier…
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Two Investment Options: MLG Capital Private Fund and MLG Dividend Fund
Author info Everyone loves options in life and when you invest in our Private Real Estate funds, you can choose from two Fund options to best suit your personal objectives. When Private Fund IV launched in 2018, we introduced a new concept, “the Dividend Fund” as we’ve called them, in conjunction with our historic fund offerings. We’re excited to continue offering this dual structure for investors in our latest funds. While both fund options invest in the same underlying assets across each Fund, both fund options present different tax implications to investors. Let’s take a deeper dive. Why two fund options? One of the primary reasons we created the Dividend Fund structure was to better accommodate tax-advantaged accounts (i.e., IRAs, 401(k)s, etc.). Without this structure, investors using these types of accounts could face unnecessary tax due to Unrelated Business Taxable Income. UBTI is generally incurred by tax-exempt investors when participating in private real estate funds (in our case) due to the fund utilizing leverage on fund assets. The Dividend Fund structure aims to eliminate the risk of UBTI for investors using tax-advantaged accounts. What’s the same? Both fund options invest in the same assets regardless of which option you…
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