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    Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”) Private Real Estate Survey

    During the first quarter of 2018, MLG Capital executives met one-on-one with RIAs throughout the United States, attended and hosted Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) events, and issued a written nationwide RIA survey to determine how the private real estate industry can better help RIAs meet their clients’ needs. Based on survey results as well as individual conversations over the years with 100+ RIAs, several clear trends emerged. “Our research uncovered a major overarching theme. Investors ask their RIAs about private real estate constantly. RIAs believe their clients should be invested in private real estate and they believe it has a low correlation to the public market. However, few are investing in it at present, primarily because they don’t know where to find information and/or have not seen the data”, said MLG Capital CEO & Principal Timothy J. Wallen. Key RIA survey findings include: 93% of RIAs believe clients should have alternative investments within their portfolio. 80% of RIAs expect alternative investments to produce between a 5-10% return. 73% of RIA’s clients invest in real estate with real estate representing 29% of all alternatives investments listed (private equity, private real estate, hedge funds, oil/gas, other). If an alternative investment product would…

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    MLG 1099 Dividend Fund IV Saves Time and Money for RIAs and Their Clients

    MLG Capital (“MLG”) is accepting investments into MLG Private Fund IV LLC and the “MLG 1099 Dividend Fund IV,” a parallel fund that enables Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) to gain access to private real estate via retirement vehicles while targeting to eliminate unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) and multi-state filings. Use “Income generated by retirement vehicles such as IRAs and 401ks are typically subject to UBTI when investing in passive, debt backed real estate, such as our offerings. We recognized this as a major deterrent for RIAs to expose their retirement fund clients to private real estate. As well, RIAs typically do not want to go through egregious process of filing multiple state tax returns for their retirement fund clients exposed to a real estate fund product. We created the MLG 1099 dividend fund as a way for RIAs to now expose their clients to the benefits of a diversified private real estate fund while targeting to avoiding UBTI and multistate filing,” said MLG Capital Assistant Vice President Mike Slinde. MLG Capital (“MLG”) is accepting investments into MLG Private Fund IV LLC and the “MLG 1099 Dividend Fund IV,” a parallel fund that enables Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) to gain…