
2020: Year in Review

Tags: News Year End

David Binder Jr.

Senior Vice President

We’re not sure anyone could have predicted the events and happenings of 2020. But, we’re very glad that throughout the craziness, you’ve decided to start, or continue to invest with us. We hope you had a safe holiday that provided great memories.

For MLG Capital, consistency remains the name of the game. Hard work and an unparalleled team allowed us to source the right opportunities to further seek the returns you’ve come to expect, even in an unpredictable market. So, let’s run the numbers on 2020:

Throughout 2020, we’re honored to have been recognized with these awards:

  • Milwaukee Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work”
    • This is a repeat of 2019’s award. Second year in a row, of hopefully many more!
  • Milwaukee Business Journal’s “Fastest Growing Firms”
    • Experiencing growth of nearly 130% since 2017
    • Added several new employees in 2020

New Fund now available!

Lastly, our investors have been asking when we will officially be opening, for investment, our newest fund. Happily, I can say that MLG Private Fund V is available for subscription!

Thank you for being part of our family and making 2020 a success.

Alex Colburn is a Digital Marketing Manager, focused on developing the MLG Capital brand and sharing the awesome stories we have. He’s an amateur saucier and is working on a new BBQ sauce.